/Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships

The Global TechnoPolitics Forum strives to build strong partnerships and engages in a vigorous exchange of knowledge, expertise, resources, and research output.  The Forum offers special benefits including:

  • Intelligence – Global TechnoPolitics Forum enables leaders to make better strategic decisions by providing them with greater contextual awareness and strategic Intelligence, built on the Global TechnoPolitics Forum’s network of experts and leaders from leading universities and international organizations. 
  • Participation- The Forum offers the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the conversation on issues you care most about by engaging in its regular activities, including research, webinar, and events, involving experts and thought leaders from diverse fields. 
  • Connection- The Forum provides opportunities to connect with its members’ community and a global network of influencers.

To create a more strategic conversation, the Forum adopts an interdisciplinary approach, engages socially responsible private sector entities, and seeks academic affiliations and knowledge partners, locally and globally.

  • Affiliations are formal relationships focused on developing and delivering joint research programs, initiatives, or events aimed at sharing progress and developing knowledge. These could further facilitate the exchange of students and internship opportunities. 
  • Knowledge partners are internationally respected institutions and innovative corporations with which we jointly create new and customized programs, develop research topics, and share speakers and experts in the field. 

The key criteria for selecting partners are: whether the partnership complements or extends Forum’s intellectual firepower; and whether it broadens its reach both geographically and in terms of access to critical stakeholders?

The Forum is a 501 (c)(3) educational not-for-profit innovative organization. The Forum is independent and non-partisan and as such does not take a position on issues.

To engage with our strategic partnership program click partnerships: